A Year With My Child

Never run out of ideas again

A year-long course packed full of activities for you and your toddler.

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Need activities? No problem.

It's hard coming up with new things to do with a toddler. And checking Pinterest for inspiration leaves you drained. Yet more things to buy and an elaborate set-up for something your child may never engage with.

A readymade plan

The planning is done for you. There’s no need to decide what to do this week: it's all laid out, ready for you to follow. No special resources, no time-consuming set-ups.

Manageable steps

Easy-to-do activities delivered in manageable, weekly chunks. The activities build upon each other until your child has all the skills they need.

Independent play

You don't have to be with your child all the time. Creative, resourceful children don't get bored. They are independent self-starters who make their own fun. 

Get set for fun!

Join us for a year's worth of learning, activities and fun.

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Meet Alexis

I'm a former Early Years teacher and the founder of One Hundred Toys and A Year With My Child. As a father of four, I know how hard it is to find time to create meaningful activities for children.

I love being with my children but I know that it’s good for them to spend time alone, to work things out for themselves. Through A Year With My Child I hope I can show you that being alongside your child - in the same room, but without necessarily engaging all the time - is not an abdication of responsibility. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give. 

I also want to empower you to choose - and eventually create - your own activities. In fact, my ultimate goal is to give you the confidence to leave it to your child. Children learn through play, through exploration and discovery. They need self-initiated and self-directed tasks. Our job as parents is to make this possible.

A Year With My Child is here to help

Play should be simple

We'll cook, make playdough, do collage and crafts. We'll also look ahead to drawing and writing without ever going near a worksheet. 'Writing' for younger children means finger painting, clothes-peg activities and threading.

There's nothing to buy

You already have everything you need at home. Pots and pans, wooden spoons and wooden blocks.
Give your child the time and space to play and you'll be amazed at what she can do with very little.

It's about exploration and discovery

Creative, resourceful children don't get bored. They are independent self-starters who make their own fun.

Praise for A Year With My Child

Hundreds of parents have been through the course. Here is what they have to say:


"Thank you, thank you for this fount of knowledge and inspiration! Soaking up every word and loving the focused weekly format."


"Absolutely loving the course, it's just fantastic. I love the fact it’s great theory without making me feel like I should be doing anything extra, bar tweaking what we are doing already. Very well pitched."


"Thank you for offering A Year With My Child! I am so grateful for the way you present your tried-and-true philosophy aimed at taking advantage of all the natural ways we can build a loving and stimulating learning atmosphere for our little ones. I very much appreciate the way you explain each concept and the reasoning behind each piece of a child’s development."


"I’m a secondary teacher (Classics) but wish I could delay my children starting school. I love your play ethos - it really resounds with what I want childhood to be about. And I love the way you balance pedagogy with child psychology and parenting ideas. I’m learning a lot and thinking a lot. You’re doing a fantastic job, thank you!"


"I was so happy to find your email course! My daughter has [been unwell] and not been able to attend preschool. I have felt an incredible pressure to learn about early childhood development and create meaningful opportunities for her just within our home. In my search to learn, I easily became overwhelmed with too many voices and ideas found on social media. This year I have dedicated myself to seeking fewer and better experts to more reliably take away what I need to understand and assist her development and move on to playing with her more. Finding your weekly email course has been so meaningful and empowering."


"I'll use this opportunity to just say how much I adore your content. I also have a Lifetime subscription to Get Set Five, and am finding it so helpful in simplifying my "survivalist homeschool" experience right now. (Homeschooling due to the pandemic, and moving abroad in 5 months, so the meticulous school planning I was doing months ago has had to take a backseat while we downsize all our worldly possessions to gear up for the move). I'm a teacher (but high school) and I love love love the theory behind all I'm learning in your courses and the inquiry-based approach. I'm also a big fan of your 100 Toys content and have gotten some really wonderful ideas from your posts there. Especially love the "shop your closet" toy rotation chart! Thanks for all you do. Your writing style is so direct, no-nonsense, informed, and lighthearted - it's clear you're a gifted educator, be it for children or their parents!"


"In love with these emails already! Thank you so much, they’re EXACTLY what I was looking for."

Have I left it too late?

A Year With My Child was designed to take a year. One module a week to cover all the bases.

But you can complete it sooner.

Pick the modules that are most relevant for your child and work through them at your own pace. The material is still relevant for younger preschoolers, giving you years' worth of play.

30-day money-back guarantee

People love the courses, and we're sure you will too. But if you're not completely happy, email for a full refund anytime in the first 30 days. 

Get set for fun!

Join us for a year's worth of learning, activities and fun.

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Break the cycle of boredom and screen time

When we run out of inspiration, our children demand entertainment. We have good intentions but life gets in the way. It's hard to come up with with a steady stream of new ideas. Our children get bored  - and the screens come out.

But it doesn't have to be this way. The activities in A Year With My Child are easy to understand, require little or no set up and can be completed independently. 

And, best of all, they are fun.

Where will your child be a year from now?

Will they be an independent self starter who makes their own fun?

Will they be ready for preschool?

Join A Year With My Child and get a year's worth of inspiration and learning.

See you on the inside!


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More than one child?

Get all three courses with this special offer.